Awards and Prices
With over 200 awards at international nature film festivals, nautilusfilm is Germany's most awarded nature film production. And that has a reason: We love nature. And our profession.
Overview of our awards
No. | Awards | Festival | Projects |
279 | Best European Film Biodiversity | EWFA, Germany 2025 | Welcome to the Forest |
278 | Grand Prix | Best of Festival Ekotop, Slovakia/Czech Republic 2024 | Welcome to the Forest |
277 | Best cinematography | NATUR NAMUR, Belgium 2024 | Welcome to the Forest |
276 | Best cinematography | MATSALU NATURE FF, Estonia 2024 | Welcome to the Forest |
275 | Prix Argent | DEAUVILLE GREEN AWARDS, France 2024 | A Butterfly´s Tale |
273 | PRIX D´ENVIRONMENT | FESTIVAL DE L´OISEAU, France 2023 | Ode to Nature |
272 | Best Director | Natourale Wiesbaden, Germany 2022 | Ode to Nature |
271 | Best Cinematography Award | Matsalu Film Festival, Estonia 2022 | Bee Wild! |
270 | Grand Prix | Best of Festival WFO, Lodsz, Poland 2022 | Bee Wild! |
269 | Best Ultra Short Film | Natur Namur, Belgium 2022 | Journey of Plants |
268 | Honorable Mention | Wildlife Vaasa, Finland 2022 | Magical Icecland |
267 | 2. Place Nature Film feature length | Wildlife Vaasa, Finland 2022 | Ode to nature |
266 | Gold World Medal, Cinematography | New York Festival, TV & Film Festival, USA 2022 | Bee Wild! |
265 | Finalist, Nature & Wildlife | New York Festival, TV & Film Festival, USA 2022 | Bee Wild! |
264 | Official Selection | Wildlife Conservation Film Festival, New York, USA 2022 | Braunkehlchen Hafts Edit |
263 | Silver Screening | Berlin Music Video Awards, Berlin, Germany 2022 | Braunkehlchen Hafts Edit |
262 | Official Selection | International Nature & Environmental Protection Festival, Hungary 2022 | Ode to Nature |
261 | Gold Medal, Nature & Wildlife | New York Festivals TV & Film Awards, USA 2021 | The Meadow – Paradise Lost |
260 | Special Prize of Tartu Nature House | MAFF | Matsalu Nature Film Festival, Estonia, 2021 | Nature´s Nurseries |
259 | FINALIST AUDIENCE AWARD | Greenscreen Festival, Germany 2021 | Echoes of the Ice Age |
258 | FINALIST | Deutscher Naturfilmpreis, Germany 2021 | Echoes of the Ice Age |
257 | FINALIST | Wildlilfe Film Festival, Netherlands 2021 | Echoes of the Ice Age |
256 | FINALIST | Sondrio Film Festival, Italy 2021 | Echoes of the Ice Age |
255 | BEST OF FESTIVAL | Category Flora Documentary, NWB Intl. Film Festival, USA 2021 | The Meadow – Paradise Lost |
254 | Hérisson d'argent, Catégorie Nature | FNE ISÈRE, France 2020 | Magical Iceland |
253 | Prize der Region Lombardei | Sondrio Festival, Italy 2020 | The Meadow |
252 | Best Nature Documentary Award | INNSBRUCK NATURE Festival, Austria 2020 | The Meadow |
251 | Best of Festival (HORST STERN Award) | Ökofilmtour, Germany 2020 | The Meadow |
250 | Special Jury Price (NATURE) | MATSALU FF, Estonia 2020 | The Meadow |
249 | Special Price of the enviromental board, MATSALU NATIONAL PARK | MATSALU FF, Estonia 2020 | The Meadow |
248 | Grand Prix/ Best of Festival | WFO, Lodz, Poland 2020 | The Meadow |
247 | Best Music Award | NATOURALE, Germany 2020 | Norway´s magical Fjords |
246 | Gold Award NATURE & WILDLIFE | New York TV und Film Award, USA 2020 | Magical Iceland |
245 | Gold Award CINEMATOGRAPHY | New York TV und Film Award, USA 2020 | Magical Iceland |
244 | Best CINEMATOGRAPHY Award | Finisterra Arrábida Film Art & Tourism Festival, Portugal 2020 | Magical Iceland |
243 | 2nd Prize Category: DOCUMENTARY | Finisterra Arrábida Film Art & Tourism Festival, Portugal 2020 | Magical Iceland |
242 | 2nd Prize Category: NATURE & WILDLIFE | Finisterra Arrábida Film Art & Tourism Festival, Portugal 2020 | Magical Iceland |
241 | Grand Prix | WATER-SEAS-OCEANS, CZECH REPUBLIC 2019 | Norway´s magical Fjords |
240 | Dolphin Award | Cannes Corporate Media Awards, Austria 2019 | Norway´s magical Fjords |
239 | Grand Prix | WFF Rotterdam, Netherlands 2019 | Norway´s magical Fjords |
238 | LBV MedienPrize | Landesbund für Vogelschutz, Germany 2019 | Jan Haft |
237 | Youth Jury Award | Deutscher FilmPrize, Germany 2019 | Magical Iceland |
236 | Grand Prix | Graz Mountain Film Festival Graz, Austria 2019 | Magical Iceland |
235 | PREMIO LIPU | GRAN PARADISO FILM Festival, Italy 2019 | Magical Iceland |
234 | HONORABLE MENTION | Mountain Film Festival Graz, Austria 2019 | The Meadow |
233 | FilmPrize Bayern | Filmtage Bayern, NATURVISION 2019, Germany | One in a Thousand |
232 | First Price | NATURE MATSALU Film Festival, Estonia 2019 | One in a Thousand |
231 | AUDIENCE Award | Naturvision, Germany 2019 | One in a Thousand |
230 | Grand Prix | Wolves Intl. Film Festival, LITHUANIA 2019 | Bee Majas wild sisters |
229 | Gold World Medal: Best Camerawork | New York Festivals, USA 2019 | Norway´s magical Fjords |
228 | Gold World Medal: Nature & Wildlife | New York Festivals, USA 2019 | Norway´s magical Fjords |
227 | Grand Prix | FIFA, Albert, Frankreich 2019 | Norway´s magical Fjords |
226 | PublikumsPrize | Naturvision, Germany 2019 | One in a Thousand |
225 | SpezialPrize für Musik und Ton | FIFA, Albert, Frankreich 2019 | Norway´s magical Fjords |
224 | Beste Kamera | Natur Namur, Belgien 2018 | Norway´s magical Fjords |
223 | Beste Kamera | GreenScreen, Germany 2018 | Norway´s magical Fjords |
222 | Beste Musik | GreenScreen, Germany 2018 | Norway´s magical Fjords |
221 | Beste Regie | Matsalu Film Festival, Estland 2018 | Children of the Sun – Wild Bees |
220 | Deutscher Naturfilmpreis "Wildnis Natur" | Darßer Naturfilm Festival, Germany 2018 | Norway´s magical Fjords |
219 | Ecosystem Award | JWFF, Japan 2018 | Norway´s magical Fjords |
218 | Grand Prix | Matsalu Film Festival, Estland 2018 | Norway´s magical Fjords |
217 | Prize der Artenvielfalt | FIFA Albert, Frankreich 2018 | Bee Majas wild sisters |
216 | Prize der Jugendjury | Darßer Naturfilm Festival, Germany 2018 | Norway´s magical Fjords |
215 | Best Feature Film | IWFF Missoula, USA 2017 | Magical Moors |
214 | Beste Kamera | Naturvision, Germany 2017 | Bee Majas wild sisters |
213 | Deutscher FilmPrize "Mensch und Natur" | Darßer Naturfilm Festival, Germany 2017 | Bee Majas wild sisters |
212 | Gold World Medal, Best Camerawork | Intl. TV & Film Awards, New York, USA 2017 | Chiemsee – A Sea in Bavaria |
211 | Gold World Medal, Nature & Wildlife | Intl. TV & Film Awards, New York, USA 2017 | Chiemsee – A Sea in Bavaria |
210 | Grand Prix | Natur Namur, Belgien 2017 | Bee Majas wild sisters |
209 | Görlitzer Meridian NaturfilmPrize | Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz, Germany 2017 | Jan & Melanie Haft, Gesamtwerk |
208 | Kamera Alpin in Gold | MountainfilmFestival Graz, Austria 2017 | Bee Majas wild sisters |
207 | Le Lirou dór – Grand Prixde Ménigoute | Ménigoute Film Festival, France 2017 | Bee Majas wild sisters |
206 | PublikumsPrize | KIT Science Film Award, Germany 2017 | Bee Majas wild sisters |
205 | PublikumsPrize | Darßer Naturfilm Festival, Germany 2017 | Bee Majas wild sisters |
204 | Silver World Medal, Ecology | Intl. TV & Film Awards, New York, USA 2017 | Chiemsee – A Sea in Bavaria |
203 | 3. Platz Environment & Conservation | Wildlife Vaasa, Finland 2016 | Magical Moors |
202 | Bayerische Staatsmedaille | Umweltministerium München, Germany 2016 | Jan Haft |
201 | Best Photography | Matsalu Film Festival, Estland 2016 | Chiemsee – A Sea in Bavaria |
200 | Beste Musik | Green Screen, Germany 2016 | Magical Moors |
199 | Deutscher FilmPrize 2016 | Darßer Naturfilm Festival, Germany 2016 | Magical Moors |
198 | FilmmusikPrize | Naturvision Film Festival, Germany 2016 | Magical Moors |
197 | Heinz Sielmann FilmPrize | Green Screen, Germany 2016 | Chiemsee – A Sea in Bavaria |
196 | Le Lirou dór – Grand Prixde Ménigoute | Ménigoute Film Festival, Frankreich 2016 | Magical Moors |
195 | Prize der Jugendjury | Naturvision Film Festival, Germany 2016 | Chiemsee – A Sea in Bavaria |
194 | Prize für visuelle Effekte & Kinematographie 2016 | Science Film Festival, Thailand 2016 | Chiemsee – A Sea in Bavaria |
193 | PublikumsPrize | Naturvision FilmFestival, Germany 2016 | Magical Moors |
192 | PublikumsPrize 2016 | Darßer NaturfilmFestival, Germany 2016 | Magical Moors |
191 | Sound Award | Wildscreen, Großbritannien 2016 | Magical Moors |
190 | Special Mention | Wildlife Vaasa, Finland 2016 | Chiemsee – A Sea in Bavaria |
189 | Swarovski Optik Award for Best Cinematography | INFF Austria 2016 | Magical Moors |
188 | Best Music Award | Deauville Green Awards, Frankreich 2015 | The Moor |
187 | Bester Schnitt | Greenscreen, Germany 2015 | Wild Slowakia |
186 | FilmPrize Bayern | Naturvision, Germany 2015 | King of the Seas – The Sea Eagle |
185 | Nature Relationships Award | Japan Wildlife Film Festival, Japan 2015 | The Backyard Jungle |
184 | SonderPrize der Jury "Wilde Slowakei" | Naturvision, Germany 2015 | Wild Slowakia |
183 | Special Award "Film about trees" | WFO, Poland 2015 | The Green Universe |
182 | Special Jury Award | Bird Film Festival, Frankreich 2015 | The Backyard Jungle |
181 | Special Jury Award | Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival, USA 2015 | The Backyard Jungle |
180 | 1. Prize "Nature" | Matsalu Film Festival, Estland 2014 | The Moor |
179 | Animal Behavior Society Film of the Year 2014 | ABS Film Festival, USA 2014 | The Backyard Jungle |
178 | Best visual identity Award | TV Festival Bar, Montenegro 2014 | The Backyard Jungle |
177 | Deutscher BiodiversitätsPrize | Heinz Sielmann Stiftung, Germany 2014 | Jan Haft, nautilusfilm |
176 | Environment & Conservation Award | Wildlife Vaasa, Finland 2014 | The Moor |
175 | FilmPrize Bayern | Naturvision, Germany 2014 | The Backyard Jungle |
174 | Finalist "Beste Musik" | Naturvision, Germany 2014 | The Backyard Jungle |
173 | Finalist "Deutscher FilmPrize" | Darsser NaturfilmFestival, Germany 2014 | The Backyard Jungle |
172 | Food & Agriculture Award | Wildlife Vaasa, Finland 2014 | The Backyard Jungle |
171 | Gold Medal "Cinematography” | New York Festivals, USA 2014 | The Moor |
170 | Gold Medal "Nature & Wildlife” | New York Festivals, USA 2014 | The Moor |
169 | 3. Prize | Vendée Nature, le Festival de l'Insolite, Frankreich 2013 | The Moor |
168 | 3rd runner up | ABS Society FF, USA 2013 | The Moor |
167 | Best Cinematography Award | ISFF, Russland 2013 | The Green Universe |
166 | Best Translation Award | Japan Wildlife Film Festival, Japan 2013 | The Green Universe |
165 | Best Cinematography | Telenatura, Spain 2013 | The Moor |
164 | Best Natural Environment Award | Intl. Animal and Nature Film Festival, China 2013 | The Green Universe |
163 | Best Photography, Magnolia Award | Shanghai TV Festival, China 2013 | The Green Universe |
162 | Best of Festival | Animal Behaviour Society FF, USA 2013 | Wild Skandinavia – Norway |
161 | Best of Festival | Telenatura, Spain 2013 | The Moor |
160 | Best of Festival | Menigoute, Frankreich 2013 | The Moor |
159 | Best of Festival | Sondrio Festival, Italy 2013 | The Moor |
158 | Cinematography Award | Japan Wildlife Film Festival, Japan 2013 | The Green Universe |
157 | Educational Award | WFO, Poland 2013 | The Moor |
156 | Gold Medal Cinematography | New York Festivals, USA 2013 | The Green Universe |
155 | Gold Medal EDITING | New York Festivals, USA 2013 | The Green Universe |
154 | Gold Medal SOUNDTRACK/AUDIO MIX | New York Festivals, USA 2013 | The Green Universe |
153 | Grand Prix | Waga Brothers Film Festival, Poland 2013 | Poppy´s Promise |
152 | Grand Prix(Best of Festival) | Green Vision, Russland 2013 | The Moor |
151 | Jury Special Mention Award | CMS Vatavaran, Indien 2013 | The Moor |
150 | Kamera Alpin in Gold | MountainfilmFestival, Austria 2013 | The Moor |
149 | Prix de la connaissance & de la découverte du monde animal | FIFA, Frankreich 2013 | The Moor |
148 | Prix spécial du meilleur montage | FIFA, Frankreich 2013 | The Moor |
147 | "Best MUSIC” Award | Wild Talk Africa, Südafrika 2013 | The Green Universe |
146 | Best EDITING | Wildscreen, England 2012 | The Green Universe |
145 | Best Photography | Ya´an Panda Animal and Nature Film Festival, China 2012 | Poppy´s Promise |
144 | Best Visual Identity | 17th Intl. TV Festival Bar, Montenegro 2012 | Wildes Germany – Die Berchtesgadener Alpen |
143 | GRAND PRIX | Matsalu Film Festival, Estland 2012 | The Green Universe |
142 | Gold World Medal | New York Festivals, USA 2012 | Wild Skandinavia – Norway |
141 | Intermedia Globe Gold Award | World Media Festival, Germany 2012 | Poppy´s Promise |
140 | JURY´S Special Award | Wildlife Vaasa, Finland 2012 | The Green Universe |
139 | UMWELTPrize | Prize der Stadt Dorfen, Germany 2012 | The Green Universe |
138 | Vaasa University Intl. Students Award | Wildlife Vaasa, Finland 2012 | Wild Skandinavia – Norway |
137 | Best Blue Chip Natural History Award | Japan Wildlife Film Festival, Japan 2011 | Poppy´s Promise |
136 | Best Cinematography Award | Ya'an Panda Animal & Nature Film Festival, China 2011 | The Meadow |
135 | Best Photography | Xian International Folk Film Festival, China 2011 | Wildes Germany – Die Berchtesgadener Alpen |
134 | Best Shot: Duelling Musk Ox | IWFF, Missoula, USA 2011 | Wild Skandinavia – Norway |
133 | Best Shot: Slavonian Grebe Courtship display | IWFF, Missoula, USA 2011 | Wild Skandinavia – Norway |
132 | Best Translation Award | Japan Wildlife Film Festival, Japan 2011 | Poppy´s Promise |
131 | Best of Festival | Darsser NaturfilmFestival, Germany 2011 | Wild Skandinavia – Norway |
130 | Best of Festival | Green Screen, Germany 2011 | Wild Skandinavia – Norway |
129 | Best of Festival, Prize of the Jury Science | Film Festival, Goethe Institute, Thailand 2011 | The Forest |
128 | Biodiversity Award | CMS Vatavaran, Indien 2011 | Poppy´s Promise |
127 | FilmPrize Bayern | Naturvision, Germany 2011 | Wildes Germany – Die Berchtesgadener Alpen |
126 | Grand Prix | Ekofilm Festival, Tschechien 2011 | The Forest |
125 | Journalist Award 2011 | Deutscher Jagdverband, Germany 2011 | The Forest |
124 | Living Forest Award | Intl. Forest Film Festival, USA 2011 | The Forest |
123 | Merit Award for Cinematography | IWFF, Missoula, USA 2011 | Wild Skandinavia – Norway |
122 | Premio LIPU – Mario Pastore XV. | Intl. Nature Film Festival, Valle d´Aosta, "Lo stambecco d´oro", Italy 2011 |
Poppy´s Promise |
121 | Premio Nikon XV. | Intl. Nature Film Festival, Valle d´Aosta, "Lo stambecco d´oro", Italy 2011 |
Poppy´s Promise |
120 | Prize "For the Beauty" | Green Vision, Russland 2011 | Wild Skandinavia – Norway |
119 | Special Prize | WFO, Poland 2011 | Wild Skandinavia – Norway |
118 | Special Prize | WFO, Poland 2011 | Poppy´s Promise |
117 | Special Prize | WFO, Poland 2011 | Wildes Germany – Die Berchtesgadener Alpen |
116 | Best Mountain Portrait | 9. BergfilmFestival Tegernsee, Germany 2011 | Wildes Germany – Die Berchtesgadener Alpen |
115 | 2. Prize Educational Film | Menigoute, Frankreich 2010 | Poppy´s Promise |
114 | 3. Prize Natural History Wildlife | Vaasa, Finland 2010 | The Forest |
113 | Artistic Merit Award | Green Vision Film Festival, Russland 2010 | The Forest |
112 | Audience Award / PublikumsPrize | Darsser Arche, Germany 2010 | Poppy´s Promise |
111 | Best MOVIE in category of ecology TV | Festival Bar, Montenegro 2010 | Poppy´s Promise |
110 | Best PHOTOGRAPHY in category of ecology TV | Festival Bar, Montenegro 2010 | Poppy´s Promise |
109 | Best Cinematography / Beste Kamera | Green Screen, Germany 2010 | Poppy´s Promise |
108 | Best Cinematography / Beste Kamera | Naturvision, Germany 2010 | Poppy´s Promise |
107 | Best Photography | Matsalu Festival, Estland 2010 | Poppy´s Promise |
106 | Best direction | Telenatura, Spain 2010 | Poppy´s Promise |
105 | Best of Category Budget 250K | IWFF, Missoula, USA 2010 | Poppy´s Promise |
104 | Best of Festival | Naturvision, Germany 2010 | Poppy´s Promise |
103 | Best photography | Telenatura, Spain 2010 | Poppy´s Promise |
102 | Cinematography Award | Wildscreen, England 2010 | The Forest |
101 | German Wildlife Film Prize 2010 | Darsser Arche, Germany 2010 | Poppy´s Promise |
100 | Grand Prix Award | International TV Festival EKO, Mazedonien 2010 | The Forest |
99 | Grand Prix Award | Green Vision Film Festival, Russland 2010 | The Forest |
98 | Honorable Mention for Cinematography | IWFF, Missoula, USA 2010 | Poppy´s Promise |
97 | Honorable Mention for Educational Value | IWFF, Missoula, USA 2010 | Poppy´s Promise |
96 | Intermedia Globe Gold Award | World Media Festival, Germany 2010 | The Forest |
95 | Merit Award for Cinematography | IWFF, Missoula, USA 2010 | Poppy´s Promise |
94 | Prix du Meilleur | Commentaire Nature Namur, Belgien 2010 | Poppy´s Promise |
93 | Selected for Screening Environmental | Film Festival in the Nation´s Capital, USA 2010 | The Forest |
92 | Silver World Medal | New York Festival, USA 2010 | The Forest |
91 | Vaesk Development Award | Wildlife Vaasa, Finland 2010 | Poppy´s Promise |
90 | 3. Prize "Best Film" Atlantis | Umweltfilm Festival, Germany 2009 | The Forest |
89 | Best Cinematography | Jackson Hole WFF, USA 2009 | The Forest |
88 | Best Director | Telenatura, Spain 2009 | The Forest |
87 | Best Photography | Matsalu Wildlife Film Festival, Estland 2009 | The Forest |
86 | Best of Festival | Naturvision, Germany 2009 | The Forest |
85 | Best of Festival | Telenatura, Spain 2009 | The Forest |
84 | Best photography | FIFA, Albert, Frankreich 2009 | Isental |
83 | Best Cinematography | Greenscreen Festival, Germany 2009 | The Forest |
82 | Best Cinematography | Naturvision, Germany 2009 | The Forest |
81 | Cinematography Award | Japan Wildlife Film Festival, Japan 2009 | Isental |
80 | Environmental Prize | Festival de l´oiseau, Frankreich 2009 | Isental |
79 | Grand Prix | Tur Ostrava, Tschechien 2009 | Isental |
78 | Grand Prix | Graz Berg- und Abenteuerfilm Festival, Austria 2009 | The Forest |
77 | Grand Prixdu public | Nature Namur, Belgien 2009 | The Forest |
76 | Honorable Mention for Cinematography | IWFF, Montana, USA 2009 | The Forest |
75 | Honorable Mention for Cinematography | IWFF, Montana, USA 2009 | Wild Turkey |
74 | Honorable Mention for Editing | IWFF, Montana, USA 2009 | The Forest |
73 | Honorable Mention for Educational Value | IWFF, Montana, USA 2009 | Wild Turkey |
72 | Merit Award for Cinematography | IWFF, Montana, USA 2009 | The Forest |
71 | Merit Award for Music | IWFF, Montana, USA 2009 | The Forest |
70 | Premio Speciale Comune di Cogne | 14th Trofeo Stambecco d´oro Aosta, Italy 2009 | The Forest |
69 | Premio della Giuria del Pubblico (Audience Jury Award) | Sondrio Festival, Italy 2009 | The Forest |
68 | Premio "Regione Lombardia” (Lombardy Region Award) | Sondrio Festival, Italy 2009 | The Forest |
67 | Special Award – Trees | WFO Poland Lodz, Poland 2009 | The Forest |
66 | 2. Platz "Bester deutscher Film” | Naturvision, Germany 2008 | Wild Turkey |
65 | Best Cinematography | Matsalu Wildlife Film Festival, Estland 2008 | Isental |
64 | Best Film on Mountain Environment | Banff Mountainfilm Festival, Kanada 2008 | The Meadow |
63 | Best Nature Film | Ökofilmtour, Germany 2008 | The Meadow |
62 | Best of Category / Budget | IWFF, Montana, USA 2008 | Isental |
61 | Best photography | Telenatura, Spain 2008 | Isental |
60 | Best photography Award, Ecology | TV Festival Bar, Montenegro 2008 | Isental |
59 | Bester Film des Festivals | Green Screen Festival, Germany 2008 | Wild Turkey |
58 | Environment Department of West-Estonia Award | Matsalu WFF, Estland 2008 | Isental |
57 | Filmprize Bayern | Naturvision, Germany 2008 | Isental |
56 | Grand Prix, Best of Festival | Festival du Film de Namur, Belgien 2008 | The Meadow |
55 | Grand Prix, Best of Festival | EKO International TV Festival, Mazedonien 2008 | The Meadow |
54 | Grand Prize | Jade Kunlun Awards, World Mountain Documentary Festival of Quinghai, China 2008 | The Meadow |
53 | Honourable Mention | Atlantis Environmental F.F., Germany 2008 | Isental |
52 | Honourable Mention for Storytelling | IWFF, Montana, USA 2008 | Isental |
51 | Lobende Erwähnung: Best Camera | Naturvision, Germany 2008 | Isental |
50 | Matsalu National Park Award | Matsalu Wildlife Film Festival, Estland 2008 | Isental |
49 | Merit Award Cinematography | IWFF, Montana, USA 2008 | Isental |
48 | Merit Award Conservation Message | IWFF, Montana, USA 2008 | Isental |
47 | Merit Award Sound Design | IWFF, Montana, USA 2008 | Isental |
46 | Merit Award for Cinematography | Montana CINE Film Festival , USA 2008 | Isental |
45 | Merit Award for Editing | Montana CINE Film Festival , USA 2008 | Isental |
44 | Prize des Gesundheitsministeriums | Ekotopfilm, Slowakei 2008 | Heilkraft aus der Natur |
43 | Runner up Best Cinematography | Greenscreen Festival, Germany 2008 | Isental |
42 | Special Award for Subject Matter | Waga Brothers Film Festival, Poland 2008 | Oldies but Goldies |
41 | Special Award of the Jury to artistic value | Telenatura, Spain 2008 | Isental |
40 | Best Use of Music | IWFF, Montana, USA 2007 | The Meadow |
39 | Best cinematography | Naturvision, Germany 2007 | Oldies but Goldies |
38 | Best cinematography | Telenatura, Spain 2007 | Oldies but Goldies |
37 | Best director | Jules Vernes Adventure Film Festival, USA 2007 | The Meadow |
36 | Best of Category/ Budget | IWFF, Montana, USA 2007 | Oldies but Goldies |
35 | Best of Category: Ecosystem | IWFF, Montana, USA 2007 | The Meadow |
34 | Best of Festival | Telenatura, Spain 2007 | Oldies but Goldies |
33 | Best of Festival | Green Screen, Germany 2007 | The Meadow |
32 | Best script | Telenatura, Spain 2007 | Oldies but Goldies |
31 | Grand Prix (Best of Festival) | ECO 9th International TV Festival, Mazedonien 2007 | The Meadow |
30 | Honorable Mention for Cinematography | IWFF, Montana, USA 2007 | Oldies but Goldies |
29 | Honorable Mention for Cultural Presentation | IWFF, Montana, USA 2007 | Oldies but Goldies |
28 | Honorable Mention for Musical Score | IWFF, Montana, USA 2007 | Oldies but Goldies |
27 | Lessinia Regional Park Award For the Best natural film or documentary | 13. Film Festival della Lessinia, Italy 2007 | The Meadow |
26 | Main Prize | WFO, Wlodzimierz Puchalski Nature Film Festival, Poland 2007 | The Meadow |
25 | Merit Award Cinematography | IWFF, Montana, USA 2007 | Oldies but Goldies |
24 | Merit Award Music | IWFF, Montana, USA 2007 | Oldies but Goldies |
23 | Merit for Music (Ecosystem) | IWFF, Montana, USA 2007 | The Meadow |
22 | Merit for Sound Design (Ecosystem) | IWFF, Montana, USA 2007 | The Meadow |
21 | Metal Award (Best Sound Editing) | Wildlife Asia, Singapur 2007 | The Meadow |
20 | Platz 2: Bester Wissenschaftsfilm | Naturvision, Germany 2007 | total phenomenal – The Sense of Taste |
19 | Premio Credite Valtellinese | Sondrio Festival, Italy 200 | The Meadow |
18 | Runner up/Best German Film | Naturvision, Germany 2007 | Oldies but Goldies |
17 | Youth Jury Award | Naturvision, Germany 2007 | Oldies but Goldies |
16 | 1st runner up Best of Festival | Wildlife Vaasa, Finland 2006 | The Meadow |
15 | Award to environmental education | Telenatura, Spain 2006 | The Meadow |
14 | Best Photography in category documentaries | International TV Festival Bar, Montenegro 2006 | The Meadow |
13 | Best film with an environmental message | Wildlife Vaasa, Finland 2006 | The Meadow |
12 | City of Basel Prize | Basel-Karlsruhe Forum, Switzerland 2006 | total phenomenal – Supereyes |
11 | Intermedia Globe Gold Award | World Media Festival Germany 2006 | The Meadow |
10 | Kamera Alpin Gold | Berg- und Abenteuerfilm Festival, Austria 2006 | The Meadow |
9 | Main Award | IV. WAGA Brothers Film Festival, Poland 2006 | The Meadow |
8 | 1. Prize: Youth Education | Japan Prize, Japan 2005 | total phenomenal – Supereyes |
7 | Film Prize Bayern | Naturvision, Germany 2005 | Supermouse |
6 | Film Prize Bayern | Naturvision, Germany 2003 | Birds of the Gods – The Raven |
5 | Natur und Ethik-Film Prize | Deutsche Ornithologische Gesellschaft 2003 | Birds of the Gods – The Raven |
4 | Special Award for Subject Matter | WAGA Festival, Poland 2002 | Alien Invaders |
3 | 1. Prize | Festival Jagd- /Tier- und Naturfilm 2000 | Secrets Neighbours |
2 | Sonderpreis des Ministerpräsidenten | Naturale, Germany 2000 | Stories of life in an old barn |
1 | 1. Prize | Festival Jagd- /Tier- und Naturfilm 1999 | Wilde Stadtstreicher – Stories of wildlife in Munich |