Children of the Sun – Butterflies

Butterflies surely are the most fancied species inside the insect world.


Their beautiful coloring and their graceful flight appeal to everyone. There are close to 4000 types of Butterflies – today many of them are endangered due to the loss of their habitat. What and who is responsible for this loss?

“Children of the sun – Butterflies” takes you up close and personal to these sunloving beauties and explains why it is crucial for us humans to preserve and provide habitats so the survival of these delicate animals can be insured.

Children of the Sun – Butterflies

Children of the Sun – Butterflies

Duration 50 minutes

Format HD 1080, 25p, 16:9

Partner BR, ARTE, WDR, ORF

Year 2017

Children of the Sun – Butterflies
Children of the Sun – Butterflies