Wolves of Langedrag

Wolves trigger deep-seated fears in us.


Being chased through a forest by predators – a nightmare! Frank Andrè Soma is not afraid of wolves, on the contrary. He even speaks their language.

“The wolves of Langedrag” tells the story of wolves in Norway through the eyes of a charismatic man who has dedicated his life to wolves. Although Norway is more than 2000 km long and less than 5 million people inhabit this immense country, there is hardly any predatory wildlife left here. Frank André Soma is working hard to help these species and especially wolves to return to their homeland.

Everything depends on what value people place on a wild animal in their country. If eagles or wolves are seen as competitors and vermin, then their days are numbered. If they are seen as a valuable component in the fabric of their indigenous nature, then they have a chance, because a solution can be found for any conflict between wild animals and humans.

Wolves of Langedrag

Wolves of Langedrag

Duration 30 minutes

Partner BR

Completion 2011

Wolves of Langedrag
Wolves of Langedrag
Wolves of Langedrag
Wolves of Langedrag